September 5, 2024Rewiring Your Sexual ResponseSynergy practicesAugust 18, 2024Advice for women trying SynergySynergy practicesRelationshipsSexual healthAugust 7, 2024Bonding behaviour repertoireVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesJuly 28, 2024Why do we practice Karezza?Synergy ExplorersJuly 18, 2024“No orgasm? What’s the point?”ResearchSexual healthJuly 4, 2024Feel sad, anxious or ‘homesick’ after sex? You might have post-coital dysphoria (Guardian UK)Synergy practicesVideos/podcastsSacred sexJune 27, 2024What no one is telling you about twin flamesSynergy ExplorersVideos/podcastsJune 17, 2024Synergy set to musicSynergy ExplorersSynergy practicesJune 8, 2024Will your woman be unsatisfied with Synergy?Synergy ExplorersMay 28, 2024Women: Are you demanding ejaculation?Synergy ExplorersMay 15, 2024Detecting spiritual hoaxes