Filters Categories Show all CatholicismEastern traditionsNewsRecoveryRelationshipsResearchSacred sexSexual healthSynergy ExplorersSynergy practicesTraditionsVideos/podcastsMore OptionsSacred sexEastern traditionsNovember 2, 2024The Ultimate Rebellion: Transforming Entropy into Awakeningby dragonflySynergy practicesOctober 22, 2024Synergy is an exchange of giftsby TurningPointSynergy ExplorersOctober 15, 2024Sexual Alchemy & Death of Egoby QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersOctober 7, 2024Masturbation triggers a distressing mental health issue in 2/3 of men, experts discover – and half of womenby QuietthoughtsVideos/podcastsSacred sexSeptember 30, 2024La Pareja Sagrada y el Sexo Ritualby TheclaSynergy practicesSacred sexSeptember 20, 2024“The Bliss Codes” by Carolin Hauserby QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesSeptember 12, 2024Synergy lovemaking humourby QuietthoughtsVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesSeptember 5, 2024Rewiring Your Sexual Responseby QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesAugust 18, 2024Advice for women trying Synergyby TurningPointSexual healthSynergy practicesRelationshipsAugust 7, 2024Bonding behaviour repertoireby TurningPointVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesJuly 28, 2024Why do we practice Karezza?by QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersJuly 18, 2024“No orgasm? 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Fatigued?by TurningPointSynergy practicesApril 5, 2024Recalibrating Synergy Practiceby CuriousEastern traditionsSynergy practicesMarch 26, 2024Misplaced genital worship?by TheclaSynergy ExplorersMarch 16, 2024Stop chasing orgasmsby QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersFebruary 28, 2024What to seek in a Synergy loverby TurningPointSacred sexEastern traditionsFebruary 18, 2024Evolutionary myopiaby dragonflySynergy ExplorersFebruary 9, 2024Fiction writer takes on Synergy lovemakingby QuietthoughtsRelationshipsJanuary 30, 2024Is mating sufficiently broken to warrant a new approach to sex?by QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesJanuary 20, 2024Exploring Synergy with a new loverby TurningPointCatholicismSexual healthJanuary 8, 2024Reich’s Wrong Turnby TurningPointSacred sexEastern traditionsJanuary 1, 2024Coping with the Kali Yugaby TurningPointEastern traditionsSynergy practicesDecember 26, 2023Reinventing desire’s endgameby dragonflySynergy practicesSexual healthDecember 18, 2023Lloyd’s Soul-Blending Embraceby TurningPointSynergy ExplorersDecember 11, 2023If Your Mood Dips After Sex, Post-Coital Dysphoria Could Be The Reasonby QuietthoughtsEastern traditionsDecember 4, 2023The key humanity has ignoredby dragonflySynergy ExplorersDecember 2, 2023Yin’s deeper mysteryby TurningPointSexual healthResearchNovember 23, 2023Is Synergy misogynistic?by TurningPointEastern traditionsSexual healthNovember 19, 2023How would Chinese sexperts view Watts, Freud and Reich?by TurningPointEastern traditionsNovember 14, 2023Neo-Tantra: pros and consby dragonflySynergy ExplorersNovember 7, 2023Ibn ‘Arabi, sex, and the divineby TheclaSynergy ExplorersOctober 31, 2023Yin Magnetismby TurningPointVideos/podcastsSexual healthOctober 24, 2023Why Contain Male Sexual Energy?by QuietthoughtsEastern traditionsOctober 17, 2023The Foundation of Conjugal Harmonyby TurningPointResearchSynergy ExplorersSexual healthOctober 10, 2023Drs Huberman and Malik discuss the neurochemistry of sexual satietyby QuietthoughtsEastern traditionsSacred sexOctober 3, 2023A Jewish tradition of controlled intercourse?by CuriousSynergy ExplorersSeptember 24, 2023How to be a sexy seniorby CuriousSexual healthSeptember 17, 2023Sex and Depression: In the Brain, if Not the Mindby QuietthoughtsSexual healthResearchSacred sexSeptember 8, 2023“Karezza” and the Sexual Reform Movement (Heinz Schott)by QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersEastern traditionsAugust 22, 2023The Cult of the Naturalby dragonflySynergy ExplorersAugust 13, 2023The magic of contentment (not satiety)by TurningPointSacred sexEastern traditionsAugust 2, 2023Shiva, Shakti and human potentialby dragonflySynergy practicesEastern traditionsJuly 23, 2023Did Krishnamurti hint at Synergy?by TheclaSacred sexEastern traditionsJuly 16, 2023Tantric sacred sexualityby dragonflyNewsVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesSynergy ExplorersJuly 9, 2023Online sacred sex conference (Nov. 2023)by QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesEastern traditionsJune 29, 2023Multi-orgasmic or Synergy lovemaking?by TurningPointSynergy ExplorersJune 21, 2023Open-relationship disillusionmentby TurningPointSynergy ExplorersJune 11, 2023Ancient tests of sexual self-controlby TurningPointSynergy ExplorersJune 7, 2023Were we better off believing in the devil?by TurningPointSynergy practicesSacred sexJune 4, 2023Sustaining Arousalby LeeSexual healthMay 31, 2023Flow and sexby dragonflySexual healthResearchMay 28, 2023What’s the ideal amount of sex?by TurningPointSynergy practicesMay 21, 2023Affectionate transformationby LeeSexual healthMay 17, 2023Post-coital dysphoria could be why you feel sad after good sexby QuietthoughtsResearchSexual healthMay 14, 2023GQ surveys today’s relationship chaosby QuietthoughtsRelationshipsSynergy practicesMay 10, 2023The awakening wandby LeeSacred sexRelationshipsApril 30, 2023Primal Conscious Living, Loving & Dying (book review)by QuietthoughtsSacred sexApril 17, 2023The way of the sunby dragonflySynergy practicesApril 10, 2023Alice B. 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