Blogging guidelinesBlogging guidelines appear below. Some of our Terms & Conditions may also be relevant.

You may submit your blog post and title using blog@synergyexplorers.orgPlease scan for spelling and grammatical errors before you submit.

Indicate whether you want the post attributed to your name or to a pseudonym.

We will choose a licensed image if you don’t send us one with your blog post.

Make sure that any graphs, charts or images you submit are in jpg format. They should be free of copyright or other restrictions.

We will review your submission to make sure it fits within the mission of If approved, you should see it online within a week.

We may edit posts for clarity. If we suggest changes, we will send your revised post back to you for your approval before publishing.

The content must be written by you, although you may include “fair use” quotations from other sources with proper attribution.

You may contact us anytime after publication if you have questions or wish to have your material altered in some way.

These blogging guidelines set out each party’s responsibilities.

By submitting your post,
    • You acknowledge that has the right to suggest for your approval edits relating to clarity, formatting, titles, and so forth.
    • Prior to submitting your post, you will identify any copyrighted material used or cited in your post, exclusive of brief quotations covered by the “fair use” exclusion and properly attributed. You warrant that you have obtained the written permission of all other copyright owners. Further, you warrant that you have the right to transfer such rights to
    • In submitting the blog you warrant that:
      • you are the sole author of your post;
      • you have the full right, power, and authority to grant the rights herein;
      • the rights have not previously been assigned or otherwise encumbered and are in all respects free and clear;
      • your post is your original creation;
      • there are no previous restrictions on its publication on;
      • it does not infringe the copyright or any other proprietary right of any other party; and
      • that your post contains no material that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, violates any right of privacy, or is otherwise contrary to law.
Transfer of rights
    • You grant the irrevocable, transferable worldwide right to copy, print, publish, broadcast, distribute, display, revise, edit, manipulate, create derivative works of, and use, your post in any media now known or hereafter developed. This includes, but is not limited to, digital media available through the Web, without limitation and without compensation. It will be attributed to you unless you wish your post to be anonymous.
    • You agree that may republish and display your post in conjunction with the works of others, including written works and photographic works, at’s sole discretion. It will be attributed to you unless you wish your post to be anonymous. To the extent any applicable law or treaty prohibits the transfer or assignment of any moral rights or rights of restraint you have in your post, you hereby waive those rights as to, its successors, licensees or assigns.