If you have been sexually active prior to your current relationship, get tested for STIs (sexually transmitted infections), including herpes. Discuss the results before deciding on a form of birth control.

If you decide on condoms as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs, keep in mind that (male) condoms may not always cover a herpes outbreak depending upon its location.

A word about condoms

Frankly, the combination of condoms and Synergy is less than ideal, so you may eventually want to experiment with some other form (or combination) of protection.

Some lovers report that condoms block the flow of energy between them. Here’s an account of the power of condomless sex:

Not using condoms as our birth control method anymore has changed everything. We have been practising [Synergy] for 15ish years, but only reached the next level of ‘Wow!’ when we transitioned to using a subscription-based temperature charting contraceptive app to show green days and red days.

Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, žr. Natural Birth Control.

The most amazing experience happened when we, in a totally unplanned way (we were out of condoms), made love without a condom. This was a completely different world – unbelievable! It was indescribably deep, and obvious that completely different things were happening from an energetic point of view. To say we felt connected afterward would be an understatement. This palpable, beautiful, sacred energy was so strongly present. The difference between with a condom and without a condom was like day and night. Now I can understand all these beautiful things that [Synergy] practitioners have been writing about, which I had not experienced until then.

If you and your partner have been tested and found to be free of  STIs, and if you have made other provisions for birth control, you may choose to forego condoms. Šis klipas touches on the use of sex without orgasm as birth control. And French and Belgian Catholics have also used the practise as birth control.

Very experienced lovers in stable relationships, who have mastered Synergy, may be interested to learn that the chance of pregnancy due to the presence of pre-ejaculate is statistically remote. Pamatyti: Does preejaculatory penile secretion originating from Cowper’s gland contain sperm? ir Better Than Nothing or Savvy Risk-Reduction Practice? The Importance of Withdrawal. (In contrast, this 2010 eksperimentas found motile sperm in a significant portion of pre-ejaculate samples, but the volumes were low and the odds of pregnancy not high: Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid.)

In any case, disease transmission is still possible, so better to be safe than sorry. Note: if you are prone to semen leakage, consider a regimen of Kegel exercises.

What if condoms are imperative?

Are condoms your only viable choice for whatever reason? If they are, here’s a bit more information:

First, Synergy lovemaking tends to be lengthy and relaxed, and erections typically arise and fade and arise again during a single session. When using a conventional condom, lovers must keep the arousal high enough (say a 4, 5 or 6 out of 10) in order to maintain an erection – or else apply a fresh one now and then. This can feel like work.

If you enjoy relaxed lovemaking, you may want to try securing your condom with roll-on body adhesive. It will keep conventional condoms on, even if erections fade and return and fade and return. Choose a body adhesive that washes off with water.

Next, condom users report that natural lambskin condoms seem to allow a better energy exchange than conventional condoms. They are certainly more costly. Pastaba: while natural lambskin condoms protect against pregnancy, they do ne protect against STIs. And hold onto them tightly when it’s time to withdraw!

Finally, you may wish to experiment with “internal condoms,” also called “female” condoms. These are soft plastic pouches that cover the inside of the vagina. They differ from conventional “male” condoms, but they work well. Also, like body adhesive, they eradicate erection performance pressure. Said one user, “I like the female condoms a lot. I’ve never liked the way male condoms feel like a one-way trip. Once you get started you’ve got to keep going.”