Is there merit in ‘sacred sex’ practices?
(Cambridge, England) We’re delighted to announce the creation of a new website,, for couples with curious minds who enjoy exploring unfamiliar ideas about love and sex.
Over the millennia, various traditions, many of them distinctly sex-positive, recorded approaches to sex that advised conscious, careful cultivation of sexual energy to enhance and sustain intimate relationships, and improve wellbeing. At we hope to get to the bottom of these claims from the past.
Do these approaches to sex, which we’ve collectively labelled “Synergy” for convenience, actually benefit couples? Does evidence-based research shed any light on their merit? What clues did ancient sages leave behind with respect to this approach to lovemaking?
We invite fellow Explorers to exchange views and experiences in a safe space, anonymously. On our Forum you can share relevant “findings”, ask questions of other Explorers, debate items from our burgeoning collection of scientific evidence and traditional lore – and suggest your favourite source materials and research items for inclusion.
- Do you find sacred sex traditions (Tantra, Taoist lovemaking, Karezza, Gnosticism, etc.) intriguing?
- Have you ever suspected that biology’s agenda for your love life might not serve your best interests when it comes to sustaining relationship harmony?
- Have you wondered if there’s more to sex than just, well, more?
If so, join us. Begin by checking out the free excerpt of our upcoming book SYNERGY (available at If you resonate with it, introduce yourself in our Discussion Forum. Poke around in our archives. Browse our collection of items of interest (“Blogs”) and our FAQs. If you feel inspired, submit a blog post.
Everyone over 18 is welcome to participate in a respectful exchange as we seek to uncover and investigate the potential in Synergy. Tell your fellow enthusiasts!