Stefan James takes a deep dive into his experiment with passing up orgasm during sex after reading Fletxa enverinada de Cupido.

He starts by explaining what happens in the brain during and after climax. Essentially, whether you’re masturbating or making love, “What goes up must come down.” Fluctuating post-orgasm neurochemical events can adversely affect some people’s mood and drive for as long as 2 weeks.

Uncharacteristic apathy and irritability are not unusual. Unfortunately, these subconscious feelings can tarnish your relationship when you and your lover project them onto each other. These distressing feelings can also cause a need for more stimulation, which pushes some people toward addiction.

James explains why this unfamiliar approach to sex appears to release more oxytocin, the bonding hormone. In his experience, this approach also increases the joy and satisfaction from life’s simple pleasures. His mood improved, as did his focus and metal clarity.

Finally, he addresses prostate health and online erotica.

Don’t be afraid to make your own experiment!