Magnetation Albert Chavannes

Albert Chavannes (1836 – 1903) was a Swiss-born American author, philosopher, and sociologist. He wrote about how to generate sexual magnetism and how to diffuse it through the system, that it might be turned from the work of procreation to self-improvement and the betterment of humanity. Also see his longer work Vital Force, Magnetic Exchange and Magnetation


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(pp. 22-24) I see no difference in the excitement of the brain and that of the sexual organs, except that they are differently effected, but I claim that both are due to friction, and that the same law governs them both. A mild excitement of the brain, such as is caused by laughter, or pleasant conversation, is beneficial to the whole organism, while too great an excitement of the brain, such as is caused by fear or anger, is detrimental to the whole organism, first because it greatly reduces the supply of force in the brain, and next because it sends through the nerves too strong a current for their carrying capacity. After any such excitement there is a reaction, which proves that too much strain has been caused, and that the brain must have time to recuperate its power.

This waste of brain power, due to too great or constant excitement, is the cause of the nervous diseases which are fast coming to be a curse upon civilized communities.

The same law works true in sexual excitement. While a mild and prolonged excitement acts beneficently, causing the diffusion of sexual magnetism all through the system, enabling it to undergo the beneficent change due to the blending of the male and female elements, the intense excitement which usually precedes procreation is more or less hurtful to the individual, and is always followed by a reaction. I have, for a number of years, felt convinced that there is a very close similarity between fits of anger and sexual orgasms, and the more I learn, the more certain I am that this belief is correct.

 Sexual magnetism

The problem of magnetation is, first to produce the necessary excitement to induce the reservoirs of sexual magnetism to release a portion of their contents, so that they may diffuse themselves through the whole system, and next to keep that excitement within such bounds that it shall not be followed by a reaction. The difference between the excitement necessary for procreation and that for magnetation is one of degree and not of kind. In procreation the excitement is so great that the overflow of sexual magnetism caused by it has no time to diffuse itself, and the blending takes place where it can be followed by conception, while in magnetation, the excitement of being kept under reasonable bounds, the flow of sexual magnetism is more moderate and better controlled and has time to diffuse itself.

It is a question of self-control, and if anyone asks me how the control is acquired and exercised, my only answer is that it is done in the same way that we control the excitement of the brain. It is a result of the power of the mind, and is exercised by the use of the will. It cannot be taught by others and is the result of self-improvement.

(p. 33) We can accept or reject the principles of magnetation, we can seek to practice them or make no attempt, but if we accept them and seek to put them in practice, we will soon find that we must, if we would be successful, improve our character and take care of our health.

 Marriage as a lasting union

(p.42) I address myself then to those who, starting in their married life with the brightest hope of a lasting union, find themselves slowly drawing apart, and who instead of blaming their partners, recognize that probably both are more or less to blame, and are anxious to re-establish their old relations.

A common advice in such cases, is for the parties to occupy different rooms, or at least separate beds. The idea which prompts such advice is that they see too much of each other, and that they have reached a state of satiety. Possibly in the present state of knowledge, and with the present practice of aborted procreation, it is the best advice that can be given, but it certainly never will come from a person who understands the philosophy of magnetation. …

(p. 43) Before marriage–during courtship–the sexual equilibrium  was taking place through magnetation, after marriage it usually takes place through procreation, and the whole secret lies in the fact that procreation localizes the sex force and throws it off as fast as generated, while magnetation diffuses it through the system to conserve its power of attraction. In one case the force which originally caused the attraction is no longer used for that purpose, but to perpetuate the race, while in the other case it is so stored as to maintain and use its attracting power.

Chavannes, Albert. Magnetation, and Its Relation to Health and Character. Albert Chavannes, 1899.