These source materials for synergy appeared between 2000 CE and the present.
L’union réservée by Dr. Ioda (2022)
A short, straightforward instruction manual written for men by a French physician. (In French)
Sexuality, Celibacy and Tantra by Marshall Govindan (2014)
Kriya Yoga master and scholar discusses the tantric principle of doing the opposite of what human nature demands.
Slow Sex: The Path to Fulfilling and Sustainable Sexuality by Diana Richardson (2011)
Strongly recommended for anyone recovering from betrayal or abuse.
Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships by Marnia Robinson (2009)
Confronts current assumptions about sex and love and offers a Synergy-style alternative.
Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation by Diana and Michael Richardson (2009)
Practical tips for mastering effortless lovemaking.
The Secret History of Western Sexual Mysticism: Sacred Practices and Spiritual Marriage by Arthur Versluis (2008)
Scholarly look at the history of sacred sex in the West.
Tantra – Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex by Yogani (2006)
Practical book on tantric sex from the Advanced Yoga Practices host Yogani.
Tantrism and Neotantrism by Georg Feuerstein (2006)
Discussion of the risks of pursuing a heightened state of sensory pleasure.
We will add to this selection as new material published since 2000 appears.
For Synergy material before 2000 see 1960 CE – 2000 CE.