The research on this page reveals interesting aspects of human pair-bonding. Incidentally, there is no theoretical reason to assume that the processes behind pair-bonding would differ across sexual orientations.
Faithfulness and promiscuity
The Myth of the Philandering Man and the Crafty Woman
A Historical-Genetic Reconstruction of Human Extra-Pair Paternity
The Ape That Thought It Was a Peacock
Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study
Young men and women’s implicit attitudes towards consensually nonmonogamous relationships
An Ethological Study of Camgirls: Plentiful, Sexually Available Virtual Women For Hire
The Science of Love, Desire and Attachment (2.5-hour video by Stanford neurobiologist Andrew Huberman PhD)
The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings
Beyond Satisfaction: The Role of Attachment in Marital Functioning
Miscellaneous research on pair bonding
Life history correlates of human (Homo sapiens) ejaculate quality
The Common Neural Bases Between Sexual Desire and Love: A Multilevel Kernel Density fMRI Analysis
Reproductive Strategies and Romantic Love in Early Modern Europe
Mate Preferences and Their Behavioral Manifestations
Does a Long-Term Relationship Kill Romantic Love?
A Descriptive Analysis of Sexual Problems in Long-Term Heterosexual Relationships
Physical and Emotional Satisfaction at First Same-Sex Anal Sex in Young Gay and Bisexual Men
Sexual motivation and the duration of partnership
Development of Relationship Satisfaction Across the Life Span: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Higher love?
Sanctification and Cheating Among Emerging Adults
Rituals and Nuptials: Relationship Rituals Predict Relationship Satisfaction