L’Union RéservéeA French physician and long-time practitioner of “The Reserved Union” (a version of Synergy-style lovemaking) prepared this PDF. It evolved from his shared experience with his wife, and his keen investigation of relevant sources.

He describes the practice in simple terms from the man’s point of view. However, female partners can certainly benefit from reading it. “Dr. Ioda” is a pen name inspired by “Star Wars”.

“The need to unite and find the Original Unity … is without doubt the purest expression of human love”.

[Note: Think of this manual (which is rather permissive, especially in French) as teaching men positive steps toward the practice of Synergy, the ultimate goal of which is consistent orgasm-free lovemaking.]

Excerpt 1

L’Union Réservée en 7 points clés
1. Savoir que l’Union Réservée existe.
2. Accepter l’idée qu’il est possible d’avoir une relation sexuelle épanouie sans éjaculation pour l’homme.
3. Découvrir la joie de l’immobilité des corps unis.
4. Apprécier la lenteur dans l’acte sexuel.
5. Se retirer quelques instants en cas d’excitation trop forte.
6. Privilégier la durée plutôt que l’intensité.
7. Reconnaître en couple l’apaisement de la tension érotique.

English translation:

The Reserved Union in 7 key points
    1. Know that the Reserved Union exists.
    2. Accept the idea that it is possible to have a fulfilling sexual relationship without ejaculation for the man.
    3. Discover the joy of the stillness of united bodies.
    4. Appreciate a slow pace during sex.
    5. In case of excessive arousal, disconnect for a few moments.
    6. Focus on extended duration and minimise intensity.
    7. As a couple, learn to recognize “the sweet spot” at which erotic tension eases for both partners.

Excerpt 2

Résumons: Au cours d’une [union réservée], l’homme et la femme choisissent de maitriser l’intensité de leurs retrouvailles en restant en dessous d’un certain seuil d’excitation. Ils alternent des phases immobiles et des phases de mouvements plutôt lents ; dans ces conditions, l’homme évite le point de « nonretour ».

Grâce à une durée suffisante, les partenaires constatent une baisse de la tension érotique jusqu’à son atténuation quasi complète. L’homme ne bloque pas l’éjaculation. Son sphincter urétral, dépendant de la volonté, retient le liquide séminal, jusqu’à ce que le besoin d’éjaculer diminue suffisamment pour
conclure la relation. Généralement, la femme reconnait aussi de manière synchronique cette baisse de la tension érotique.

English translation:

Let’s summarise: During a Reserved Union, the man and the woman choose to control the intensity of their union by remaining under a certain threshold of excitation. They alternate motionless phases with phases of rather slow movement. Under these conditions, the man avoids the point of “no return”.

With sufficient duration, the partners experience a drop in erotic tension until it almost completely subsides. The man does not block the ejaculation. His urethral sphincter, a striated muscle under his control, retains the seminal liquid until the need to ejaculate decreases sufficiently to conclude the encounter. The woman typically also recognizes this drop in erotic tension.

Also of possible interest:

Why a handbook to explain Reserved Union to men?

The Chanson Affair (1950-1952)

Art D’Aimer et Continence Conjugale by Paul Chanson (1949)

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