Walter Bowman Russell (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963) was an American impressionist painter, sculptor, mystic, organist and author. Russell wrote extensively on science topics from a metaphysical standpoint. Chapter 8 of The Universal One is entitled “The Sex Principle.”
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The Sex Principle
Sir Oliver Lodge points out that man has long been familiar with force and motion but that some third intangible undiscovered force is recognizedly necessary to complete a logical universe. Force and motion infer that the third undiscovered force is existent somewhere back of or with them.
He also states that when discovered it may prove to be something with which man is already familiar.
Sex is the great third principle. Sex is the controlling cause of both force and motion. Without it neither could continue.
To say that mind is the Motive Power back of force and motion is but stating a generality, but to state an attribute of Mind by means of which force and motion are controlled is being specific.
Sex is the motive power behind force and motion. Sex is the apparent division of the father-mother substance of Mind into apparent opposites. This division is due to the opposite desires of electricity and magnetism expressed in the action and reaction of the thinking process.
Sex is the active desire of mind for division into opposites and its reactive desire for Unity.
Sex is that motive Force which demands separability into two and equally desires Union of the apparent two into one.
Mind being one cannot yield to the desire of mind for separation into two.
Sex desire of mind for divisibility into two succeeds only in producing an appearance of divisibility into two.
Likewise sex desire of mind for Unity into one succeeds only in reproducing an apparent composite of the two Sexes of all things from the beginning. …
Man’s concept of sex as beginning with organic life is a wrong concept.
Sex is as absolute in the elements as in the complexities and compounds of the elements….
Sex is the apparent division of the one force into electricity and magnetism – two opposite forces, positive and negative, which are in reality but two pulsations of the one force.
Sex is the apparent division of all things into their opposites: male and female….
Apparent opposites of the indivisible substance of universal mind are not content to remain in the state of apparent opposition.
Unity or Oneness, inherent in all things, asserts itself in dissatisfaction when electromagnetic forces of matter in motion are sufficiently generative to cause too great an inequality between the apparent opposites.
Sex is unsatisfied when the electromagnetic forces of matter in motion are unequal and it is satisfied when those forces are equal.
A lightning flash is the power of sex equalizing positive and negative electromagnetic disturbances of equilibrium between two oppositely and unequally charged storm clouds.