Sexual and Relationship Therapy

Volume 30, 2015 – Issue 2  Pages 286-296 |  2015

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In this article, we propose a clinical model for treating anxiety-related sexual dysfunctions that hinges on the use of mindfulness meditation practices. First, theoretical and empirical evidence for anxiety as either a cause or condition of several different sexual dysfunctions is provided. Next, the concept of mindfulness and the research that supports the use of mindfulness meditation practices in addressing anxiety are explained. The inherent link between mindfulness and sex-positivity is also addressed while acknowledging the need to emphasize both mindfulness and sex-positivity in therapy. The proposed model for the treatment of anxiety-related sexual dysfunctions using mindfulness practices within a sex-positive framework is outlined. It utilizes mindfulness-based practices such as body scan meditation and sitting meditation as well as several preexisting sex therapy interventions, including directed masturbation and sensate focus assignments. A case study is provided as an example of the progression of therapy and as a demonstration of the clinical viability of the model. Ultimately, this model illustrates a potential way in which mindfulness practices can be utilized within a sex-positive approach to sex therapy.