Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

2010, Vol. 99, No. 6, 948–963

Impett EA, Gordon AM, Kogan A, Oveis C, Gable SL, Keltner D.


In 2 daily experience studies and a laboratory study, the authors test predictions from approach-avoidance motivational theory to understand how dating couples can maintain feelings of relationship satisfaction in their daily lives and over the course of time. Approach goals were associated with increased relationship satisfaction on a daily basis and over time, particularly when both partners were high in approach goals. Avoidance goals were associated with decreases in relationship satisfaction over time, and people were particularly dissatisfied when they were involved with a partner with high avoidance goals. People high in approach goals and their partners were rated as relatively more satisfied and responsive to a partner’s needs by outside observers in the lab, whereas people with high avoidance goals and their partners were rated as less satisfied and responsive. Positive emotions mediated the link between approach goals and daily satisfaction in both studies, and responsiveness to the partner’s needs was an additional behavioral mechanism in Study 2. Implications of these findings for approach avoidance motivational theory and for the maintenance of satisfying relationships over time are discussed.