Eur Urol.
Kim SC1, Bang JH, Hyun JS, Seo KK.
Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
To determine changes in erectile response to repeated audiovisual sexual stimulation in patients with psychogenic impotence and normal men.
The same erotic video was shown to 45 men (20 patients with psychogenic impotence and 25 normal men) for 3 consecutive days. Their erectile responses during the audiovisual stimulation were monitored using RigiScan (Dacomed, Minneapolis, Minn., USA), and the maximal rigidity of erection, sustained for more than 5 min, was measured. The rigidities on the first, second and third days were comparatively analyzed. Whether previous multiple viewings of the erotic movie and previous exposure to the same or a similar movie influenced the erectile response were also evaluated.
Rigidity on the third day was significantly decreased compared to that on the first day in both patients with psychogenic impotence and normal controls (p < 0.05), regardless of the frequency of previous viewings and the previous exposure to a similar movie. Rigidity on the first day was significantly lower in the group with multiple viewings than in the group with fewer viewings (p < 0.05).
Real-time monitoring of penile erection during audiovisual sexual stimulation may result in false-negative responses when patients are repeatedly exposed to the stimulation.