We laugh along, because some of us had similar initial reactions. For example, after one of us read a Chinese Taoist manual about cultivating sexual energy rather than releasing it in orgasm, the book went back on the shelf for 5 years! Gradually, however, each of us began experimenting with the ideas and were amazed.

As our respective experimental Synergy lovemaking evolved, it drifted closer to the descriptions in some old karezza books and away from the more performance-driven Taoist lore. Mysteriously, harmony and Synergy seemed to go together.

Part of the challenge with Synergy lovemaking is that we humans think we already know everything important about sex. Actually, we have a lot to learn about the subtle, lingering changes in the brain that follow the intense neuroendocrine event of orgasm—and even more to learn about the neuroendocrine effects of excessive orgasm.

These brain events haven’t been studied much, but even the limited research that has been done makes it clear there’s a lot going on that could have a subtle impact on lover’s post-climax perception of each other as well as their moods. As this kind of information becomes common knowledge, the wisdom of Synergy will be widely evident. For now, experimentation is the best way to see its benefits.