The Legend of the Great Stupa is a Tibetan legend that instructs the visionary along the spiritual path. The text has been used in ritual for centuries.
The Kaliyuga is the time just prior to the destruction of the world. It has five distinctive characteristics: diminution of lifetime, vicious and self-centered living, unchecked lust and avarice, materialistic philosophies, and belief in the inevitable conflagration. …
During the Kaliyuga the poisonous passions, particularly lust, avarice, acquisitiveness, jealousy, and envy, cause loss of concentration. Mind streams away from its peaceful center in search of the objects of its desire or retreats from objects that repel it. Finally, the pace of life increases as the length of life diminishes. …
During the Kaliyuga, opportunities arise to free oneself from approaching destruction. The disciplines of the Hinayana and Mahayana, although crucial, are inadequate to combat the intensifying forces of passion. However, the Vajrayana provides the means of overcoming man’s impulsive nature. The teaching of the Hinayana prescribes total rejection and renunciation of passion; the Mahayana prescribes the antidote and neutralization of passion, and the Vajrayana prescribes the understanding of passion by the homeopathic method of controlled action.
In the legend, the coming of a Tulku is prophesied. In the Vajrayana, a Tulku, or enlightened being of the latter days of the Kaliyuga, will be known as a Tantrika … This being will be fearless in demonstrating the ways in which the precious human body may be used to create life, light, and love. (emphasis supplied)
Tsogyal, Yeshe. “The legend of the Great Stupa.” (1973).