In Tantra: The Secret Power of Sex, two leading Indian Tantra practitioners share their wisdom about attunement between lovers and effortless sex. Includes a detailed three-day program for lovers.
As we have mentioned earlier, the symbol of Tantra is the phallus: the erect penis, not the flaccid, post-orgasmic organ. Many reasons have been given for this symbolism but it is certainly not the most obvious one that strikes the western-oriented mind: Tantra is not, basically, a male-biased discipline. To the contrary.
The Shakti, the Great Mother, is the, active principle of Tantra. It is she who dances, she who creates this world of illusions, she who is worshipped by the Primal Male Himself. “Why then,” you may ask, “is the phallus the symbol? Surely for a female deity the vulva would be more appropriate?” In actual fact, the complete symbol of Tantra is the Phallus in the receptive Vagina: the Lingam in the Yoni. In other words, the principal sacrament of Tantra is sexual intercourse, before orgasm. And the longer this state can be maintained, the greater will be the benefit you and your partner can derive from Tantra…
Tantric sex must be:
• Prolonged.
• Unhurried.
• Effortless.
Kale, Arvind, and Shanta Kale. 1976. Tantra: the secret power of sex. Bombay: Jaico.