Show all Eastern traditionsRelationshipsResearchSacred sexSexual healthSynergy ExplorersSynergy practicesVideos/podcastsSynergy ExplorersSex and Changeby dragonflySexual healthDo You Feel Sad or Sometimes Cry After Having Sex? It Can Be Postcoital Dysphoriaby QuietthoughtsVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesSexual healthNikki Glaser read a book that convinced her to stop orgasmingby QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersThe key to heaven on earthby QuietthoughtsSexual healthResearchDoes orgasm have a hidden cycle?by TurningPointSexual healthHandridingby QuietthoughtsSacred sexEastern traditionsThe Ultimate Rebellion: Transforming Entropy into Awakeningby dragonflySynergy practicesSynergy is an exchange of giftsby TurningPointSynergy ExplorersSexual Alchemy & Death of Egoby QuietthoughtsSynergy ExplorersMasturbation triggers a distressing mental health issue in 2/3 of men, experts discover – and half of womenby QuietthoughtsVideos/podcastsSacred sexLa Pareja Sagrada y el Sexo Ritualby TheclaSynergy practicesSacred sex“The Bliss Codes” by Carolin Hauserby QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesSynergy lovemaking humourby QuietthoughtsVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesRewiring Your Sexual Responseby QuietthoughtsSynergy practicesAdvice for women trying Synergyby TurningPointSexual healthSynergy practicesRelationshipsBonding behaviour repertoireby TurningPointVideos/podcastsSynergy practicesWhy do we practice Karezza?by QuietthoughtsSynergy Explorers“No orgasm? What’s the point?”by TurningPoint